Wednesday, February 16, 2011


karly and i got into a discussion which brings up the question of the day: is it selfish and wrong for one to commit suicide? obviously many would simply say yes. it hurts only the friends and family of the victim. but how much hurt was the victim going through. sometimes it is hard to go through everyday hating yourself, your life, everything. there are times when one can no longer try and think positive and the pain to too much to bear. death is easy. it is a cop-out. when that pain is too much sometimes people take the easy. maybe the only road they see ahead of them. but if/when people are able to overcome that hurt and take a different road, that is triumph. one has to be able to decide overcome. to live. to love. 

as someone wise once told me that you need to take it one day at a time. decide you are going to love one thing about yourself. say you write really good 'w's  then you make those 'w's look damn good every chance you get. 

i am not a good writer and i know no one reads my blogs. but this is for me. i am going to write my heart out. this blog is my outlet. this blog is my attempt to find happiness. to find a meaning to life. to find sobriety from pain.

my second and more active attempt was for karly to do our hair big, our makeup crazy and our outfits radical. we then went out and did our own photo shoot under the cold night's sky. 

it is nice having creative outlets. it is a start at the very least. 

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